PCC denounces hatred and violence in all its forms and is committed to humanity and social justice as an ongoing endeavor that we highly value. 

Please visit the links below for additional resources and information.

Hate Crimes Reported to Pasadena City College Campus Police 

Last updated Feb. 3, 2025

10/09/2022 22-00216 Religion Vandalism to School Under Investigation
10/12/2022 22-00218 Religion Vandalism to School Under Investigation
10/20/2022 22-00235 Religion Vandalism to School Under Investigation
11/03/2022 22-00247 Racial Vandalism to Vehicle Under Investigation
10/22/2023 23-000219 Racial Brandishing a Weapon Under Investigation
4/18/2024 24-00082 Racial  Burglary  Under Investigation
9/17/2024 24-00196 Racial  Vandalism to School Under Investigation
11/10/2024 24-00271 Religion Vandalism to School Under Investigation
11/15/2024 24-00277 Sexual Orientation Vandalism to School Under Investigation 
11/16/2024 24-00278 Religion Vandalism to School Under Investigation